Leading Ukrainian Charitable Foundations will sell war trophies at Prozorro.Sale online auctions
02 листопада 2022

Leading Ukrainian Charitable Foundations — Come Back Alive, The Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, BON Charity Organization — will sell war trophies at Prozorro.Sale e-auction system. 

The following lots will be the first to get auctioned at charity auctions: 

  • Staff radio station from Come Back Alive. It was removed from a crashed BMP 3 vehicle at the end of April in the Mykolaiv region. Starting price — UAH 50,000. 
  • The fragment of TOR missile system from BON Charity Organization. It was shot down in the Mykolaiv direction, and only the tip remained, and now it's just a trophy with a starting price of UAH 120,000.
  • Set of VPKhR army device for chemical investigation from Charity foundation of Serhiy Prytula. It was brought by volunteers from near Vyshhorod, where the Russians planned to capture Kyiv "in 2-3 days". Starting price — UAH 10,000.

Charity auctions in Prozorro.Sale system of war trophies will take place on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. 

To join charity auctions, please register via the link before 8 p.m (in Kyiv time), November 8, 2022. All registered participants will receive a link to the auction on the day of its holding. Information about auction participants, as well as confirmation of payment for lots, will be published on Prozorro.Sale's website. 

During November, Prozorro.Sale will administer weekly auctions of war trophies from each of the charitable foundations. Among the lots will be the piece of a Russian helicopter and a drone, the engine and spare parts of the Russian downed Calibre in the southern direction, a tube from a grenade launcher, etc. 

The trophies displayed at the transparent auctions are only a small part of what was captured or shot down by the Ukrainian military when they knocked the enemy out of their positions. Such trophies are clear disproof of the myth about the invincibility of the Russian army, and these objects, sold through online auctions in a transparent and open way, are also an opportunity to raise funds from their sale for Ukrainian fighters and other needs.  

All money raised from the sales will go toward the accounts of the specified charitable funds.  

State-owned IT enterprise Prozorro.Sale launched charity auctions in the system in March 2022. This allowed directing UAH 6.8 million to the army and humanitarian needs. Among the largest charity auctions in the system is the sale of Ukrposhta stamps «Russian warship, go...!», US President Joe Biden's pen, and the famous road sign «Go f*ck yourself, go f*ck yourself again and go f*ck yourself back to Russia».


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